Section A: Medical Papers. Section B: Urinalysis. Section C: AJKD Core curriculum. Section D: e-books. ____________________________________
Section A: Internal medicine papers
A2. Amyloidosis
A4. Basic Genetics
A6. Basic Histocompatibility Test.
A8. Chinese herb induced nephropathy
A9. Conversion factors for laboratory units
A10. Coagulation cascade
A11. COVID-19 - A comprehensive BMJ article.
A12. COVID-19, KIDNEY MEDICINE compilation
A13. MERS 2018
A14. SARS 2003
A16. Zika pandemic
A17. Diabetic micro and macro vasculopathy
A18. Differential diagnosis of clinical presentation
A19. eGFR review 2020
A20. Hypertension pathophysiology
A21. Lymphocytes origin migration & distribution.
A22. Metabolic syndrome
A24. Nephrotic Syndrome - a classic review from MedSynapse
A25. Renal Physiology, Prostaglandin, NSAID.
A26. Sarcoidosis
A27. Sepsis severe
A28. Superbug
A30. Transplant pathology (Rejection, CNI toxicity, BKV, Recurrent Disease)
A31. Tolerance Protocols for Developing Countries
A32. Tuberous sclerosis
A33. Urinary proteomic in renal transplant
A34. Vitamin K2 and vascular calcification
Section B: Urinalysis for the residency programme
URINALYSIS for renal residents
B5. Urinalysis presentation for residents.
B6. Urinalysis Automated vs manual
B7. Urinalysis teaching policies
B9. Assessment on urinalysis - login to WizLearn urinalysis
Section C: AJKD Core Curriculum selected paper
Core curriculum in AJKD
Selected papers
C1. 2020 CAN (Contrast associated nephropathy) consensus statements ACR & NKF
C2. 2020 critical care nephrology
C3. 2020 ANCA associated Vasculitis
C4. 2020 hyponatraemia hypernatraemia core curriculum
C5. 2019 Renal transplant rejection Atlas
C6. 2019 Potassium - core curriculum
C10. 2019 Urinalysis
C11. 2019 AKI
C12. 2019 Pregnancy
C13. 2019 CHF
C15. 2019 DN
C16. 2019 Management of transplant by GP/
C17. 2019 Transplant recipients management
C19. 2018 Renal Donor
C20. 2018 Anaemia
C21. 2016 Fluid balance
C22. 2014 DIALYSIS
C23. 2013 Haemodialysis core curriculum UPDATES, NEJM
C24. 2011 Renal bone disease core curriculum
Section D: E-books
D2. Clinical Nephrology - Woo Keng Thye, 3rd Edition
D3. Clinical Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation - Nuhad Ismail, offline
D4. Applied Pathophysiology, disease and liquid
D5. Stanford antibiotic guidebook
D6. Drug dialysis
D8. Kidney eponyms and abbreviations
D9. Medical Eponyms and abbreviations
D11. Mark Manual
D13. Johnson Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology
D14. kidney disease classic reviews